Nautical News

5 outboard boats that will succeed in 2023

By 21 December, 2022No Comments
barcos fueraborda en Mallorca

The world sailing is in constant evolution. The constant innovations that occur each year, is coupled with the trends in the preferences of the sailors.

In the segment of the craft of small-and medium-length with outboard engine, the trend that aims for the next year 2023 continuous with the rise of boats from 5 to 12 meters with a concept that is multi-purpose, lighter and more compact, with a large hydrodynamic and with optimal use of space.

In addition, the commitment to sustainability is driving the success of the ships that require lower fuel consumption, which favor the minimization of emissions and opt for recyclable materials.

We advise 5 “best sellers” by 2023, in order of size length.

1– V2 Boats 5.0

Your success in 2022 has been motivated by the same factors that make it a bestseller in 2023: can be carried without a license, which makes it ideal not only for individuals but also for companies of the charter yacht; it is very versatile as it can be used to walk by his great comfort, solariums, and platforms, aft swim, sports náúticos by his motorization of up to 90 HP and its extraordinary handling, or for the fishing on your face flush, the reduced height of his borda, the amplitude of the chests of stowage and large awning.

See V2 Boats 5.0

V2 Boats en Mallorca

2– New Yacht M6

Available in versions Open and Cabin, this boat is 6 meters in length are surprised by the breadth of the roof space. Its minimalist design and functional allows the seats fore and aft to be converted easily in solariums. Nominated in 2019 to “European Power Boat of the Year”, highlights its smooth navigation even at high speeds. Version Cabin has a double bed inside.

See Nuva Yacht M6 Open

See Nuva Yacht M6 Cabin


Nuva Yacht M6 en Mallorca

3– Highfield Sport 800

The mark Highfield has been done with a well-deserved prestige in the sector of the semi-rigid. Its innovative structure of aluminium not only makes inflatable boats and more sustainable but which brings a lightness, strength and durability, without competition.

The Highfield Sport 800 has been renewed for 2022, offering more options of customization. In his little more than 8 metres in length, it is nearly everything: a solarium, table seats dining room, spacious cockpit, sunbathing platforms on the stern...A semi-rigid high performance, with materials of the highest quality.

See Highfield Sport 800

Barca neumática semirrígida Highfield 800 en Mallorca

4 - New Yacht M9

Without a doubt, the shipyard Catalan Nuva Yachts is breaking new ground in recent years. This 2022 has launched the New M9 Open, a weekender of 9 metres, with two areas of solarium, outdoor kitchen, and a full cover for walking. In the interior, a bathroom with shower and two double beds.

The New M9 offers more space than any other motor boat of its length. It is equipped with a canopy hard top, wide helm seat with a triple and two platforms bathroom with a ladder.

See New Yacht M9

Nuva Yacht M9 en Mallorca

5– New Yacht M11

Fresh out of the shipyard in Barcelona, best wishes for a great year at the New M11. With a spectacular design, that allows you to expand the width of the boat at the stern through side-folding, has a dining area and a convertible in sunbathing lawn and a solarium fixed. The interior features an extent never seen in these boats. The cabin is nothing less than 1.92 years metres high and offers two double beds, kitchen and full bath with shower and sink with hot water.

If your space is very comfortable for your capacity of 12 people, your navigation even more surprises. Practically glides over the sea with a stability astonishing. Supports a drive up to 700 HP, reaching a speed of 40 knots.

See New Yacht M11

Nuva Yacht M11 en Mallorca
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